Welcome to the May 2019 edition of the DAIR Community Newsletter. It’s been a few months since our last newsletter, so we have plenty of exciting news to share with you.
Thank you…
…to all of our DAIR participants that took the time to reply to our recent survey or agreed to chat by phone. We will be implementing a number of enhancements to DAIR based on the feedback we received. Stay tuned for details on these changes in our upcoming newsletters. Please know that we always value your feedback and if you have a comment or suggestion on how we could improve the DAIR experience, you can let us know by sending an email to Tom Vitez, Senior Director, Technology Innovation.
We’re Hitting the Road
We are planning a “DAIR Tour” to spread word about the DAIR Cloud and are looking forward to meeting with many entrepreneurs and DAIR participants along the way. At each stop, we will be sharing some exciting news about our plans to evolve the DAIR Program and give you a sneak peek of the latest services added to DAIR. We hope to have an open dialogue with you to listen and learn how we can better support your needs in the future. If you are interested in having the “DAIR Tour” come to your town, please send a note to Tom Vitez and we will do our best to accommodate a visit.
Early Stage Startup: Meet your Public Cloud (Guest Post)
Sachin Agarwal of BigBitBus has written a very informative guest blog post on the topic of evaluating public clouds once your product has reached minimum viable product (MVP). For those of you close to graduating from DAIR or already planning ahead, this is a Must Read! We welcome guest blogs that would be of interest to others in the DAIR community. Please send blog post idea to: [email protected].
Deploying Jenkins Containers – Technical Document
Jenkins, a leading open source automation server, provides support for building, deploying, and most importantly automating your software project. Jenkins has been around for many years and has become the de facto standard for software projects since the onset of what is known as Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in the DevOps community. The DAIR team has developed a technical document examining how to deploy Jenkins using Docker to one of your DAIR instances
Building on past technical documents that introduced Docker to DAIR users, this document provides similarly straightforward, step-by-step instructions to deploy Jenkins in DAIR as a Docker container.
The technical document can be found here.
Bits n’ Bytes
Here are a few articles we found of interest related to digital evolution and the emerging artificial intelligence ecosystem in Canada. If you come across any articles that you consider worth sharing, please feel free to send us a link at: [email protected].
A Revolution is Coming. Again. Web 3.0. – Peter Diamandis, CEO Xprize Foundation – (LinkedIn)
Outside Toronto: The Unsung Canadian Cities Leading AI Innovation – Robin Grosset, CTO Mindbridge AI – (betakit.com)
Canadian AI Ecosystem 2018 – JF Gagne, CPO and CIO, JDA Software – (jfgagne.ai)