AWS services on the DAIR Cloud

AWS services on the DAIR Cloud – here’s what you need to know: 

Many AWS services are now available on the DAIR Cloud! We’ll be launching additional cloud products throughout the next year, which you can learn more about in our AWS services on the DAIR Cloud Roadmap below. We’ve also raised user spending limits to $1,000 a month – maximizing your access to newly enabled AWS services as you develop your products or services. DAIR allows you to access your usage analytics to help you plan for the cloud resources your business will need when you commercialize, by using Cost Explorer and AWS Billing features.  

AWS services on the DAIR Cloud Roadmap: 

Services (or Applications)
Direct Access to the AWS Portal
Available: August 2023
Elastic Compute Service (EC2)
API Gateway (with CLI Support)
Managed Relational Database Service (RDS)
Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Key Management Service (KMS)
Identity and Access Management Service (IAM)
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Budgets (Spending Controls)
AWS Cost Explorer (CE)
Essential AWS Add-On Services
Launched: January 2024
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Application load Balancer (ALB)
Route 53 
Additional AWS Add-on Services  
Launched: May 2024
Elastic Container Registry (ECR) x3
Simple Emails Service (SES)
AWS Code Pipeline
AWS CodeCommit 
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodeDeploy
Elastic Container Service (ECS)
Container AWS Services
Available: Summer 2024
AWS System Manager (SSM)
AWS Secrets Manager
AWS Service Catalogue
Guard Duty
CA-West 1 Region
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
AWS Certificate Manager x2
S3 Glacier
Processing and Storage AWS Services
Available: Fall 2024
AWS Amplify
AWS Eventbridge
AWS ElastiCache
AWS Kinesis
Simple Queue Service (SQS) x3
AWS Codestar
AWS AppSync
AWS Backups

Please note: These release dates may change to meet the needs of the DAIR community. If there are specific AWS services you’d like to see enabled, please send us your suggestions. We greatly appreciate your feedback and factor it in when planning service releases and development. To send us your feedback, please reach out to us via email: [email protected]  

Launch of AWS with DAIR   

Want to learn more about AWS Cloud Products and DAIR Cloud? Check our launch webinar, which highlights the latest changes to the program, as well as live demonstration of the new services!