Research Software Newsletter: April 2021

2021 Survey of Canadian Research Software Developers In partnership with the UK’s Software Sustainability Institute (SSI), we are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2021 Survey of Canadian Research Software Developers.

Are you a Research Software Developer?

Your job titles will vary but if you develop software for research in an academic, government, non-profit, or commercial environment – full-time or part-time – we’d like to hear from you.

Why Participate in this Survey?

CANARIE and NDRIO would like to learn more about those who write research software, the needs of Canada’s research community, and how to better support you. The data collected by this survey will be used to highlight the fundamental role played by the people who write software in research.

A Little Incentive…

The first 100 Canadian* research software developers who complete this short, 10-minute survey will receive a $25 Amazon gift certificate (limit of one per person). Instructions are provided at the end of the survey and you must provide your email address to be eligible. To help us verify that you qualify, please use your institutional email address if possible. The contact information you provide to receive a gift card will not be associated with your survey responses.

Keep in Touch.

To be informed about the results of this survey and other topics of interest to research software developers, visit and sign up for the Research Software Newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]

* Not based in Canada? Please complete the international survey at