CANARIE is grateful for the support of its partners, speakers, and attendees who helped make the 2019 CRSC a success. We look forward to welcoming you to our 2021 CRSC. Subscribe to our email list for the latest news and updates.
CRSC 2019 Highlights

We asked our attendees, “What was the highlight of the 2019 CRSC?”
All keynotes are interesting and inspiring – they really highlight the important roles software and informatics play in modern research environment
I found the keynote speakers to be extremely interesting. I followed up with [a keynote] as to possible collaborations between our respective fields.
Very engaging topics and well presented. Enough time for questions!
Great talks and welcoming atmosphere.
Interesting seeing all the projects and work in Software!
Amazing opportunity for networking and learning.
It makes us feel part of a bigger community which shares many of our own challenges and that’s very helpful.
Download the presentations:
- Deep Reinforcement Learning in Research
Pablo Castro, Research Software Developer | Google AI - Making Effective, Useful Software Development Tools
Gail Murphy, Professor (Computer Science) & Vice-President Research & Innovation | University of British Columbia - Why is Building Robust and Reliable Robotics Software So Hard?
Jonathan Kelly, Director, Space & Terrestrial Autonomous Robotic Systems (STARS) Laboratory and Professor, Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) | University of Toronto
Short Talks
- Implementing a Research Software Development Team at McMaster University: Early Lessons Learned
Ranil Sonnadara, Associate Professor and Special Advisor to the Vice-President, Research | McMaster University - GUIs are Luxury Items in the Science World
David Huard, Specialist, Climate Scenarios and Services | Ouranos - Docker Swarm: Myths and Realities of Deploying Complex Environments for Scientific Software
Anton Zakharov, Research Software Developer | CRIM - Utilizing High-Throughput Functional Genomics Databases
Emma Bell, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre | UHN - Data Entry: Boon and Bane
Morgan Taschuk, Senior Manager | Ontario Institute for Cancer Research - iReceptorPlus – Small Project to International Research Software Engineering – Part II
Brian Corrie, Technical Director, iReceptor | Simon Fraser University - Best Practices in Software Development
Henriette Koning, Director IT PMO | Stemcell Technologies Inc. - Using Ontologies to Standardize Data Sharing
Damion Dooley, Scientific Programmer | University of British Columbia - Geodisy: Developing a Discovery Layer for Geospatial Research Data in Canada
Paul Dante, Software Engineer | University of British Columbia
Mark Goodwin, Metadata Coordinator | University of British Columbia - ORCID-CA and the Infrastructure of Open Science in Canada
Jeffrey Demaine, ORCID-CA Community Manager | Canadian Research Knowledge Network - Radiam: Helping Researchers Keep Track of Data
Todd Trann, Senior Software Developer | University of Saskatchewan - Pore-Scale Analysis of Electrochemical Devices
Jeff Gostick, Professor | University of Waterloo
Lightning Talks
- Jenkins Configuration as Code
Long Vu, Software Developer | Ouranos - vtree: An R Package for Calculating and Drawing Variable Trees
Nick Barrowman, Statistician | Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute - Going from Sue Doe to John Doe
Karim Bouayad-Gervais | Pillar Science - IRIDA: Integrated Rapid Infectious Disease Analysis Platform
Dan Fornika, Genomics Specialist | BC Centre for Disease Control Public Health Lab - Software Tools for Visualization and Analysis of Networks
Max Franz, Senior Software Engineer | University of Toronto - naturecounts: A New R Package to Access Standardized Data on Bird Populations
Stefanie LaZerte | Bird Studies Canada - Experimental Paradigms in Human Movement Science: Control of Complex Dynamics Using Sonification and Visualization
Dobromir Dotov, Research and High-Performance Computing Services (RHPCS) | McMaster University - The BESOS Platform
Paul Kovacs, Programmer Analyst | University of Victoria - Software Integration in the Digital Humanities
Susan Brown, Professor/Project Lead | University of Guelph – Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory
Mihaela Ilovan, Project Manager | University of Guelph – Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory - EEG Pipelines Integration into the CBRAIN Platform Using the Boutiques Command Line Framework
Sergiy Boroday, McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience | McGill University
Dr. Obaï Bin Ka’b Ali | Concordia University - Data Augmentation – How to Get the Best Possible Outcome from Big Data / AI Analytics
Dominic Lam, Director, Business & Solution Developement | Datadex Inc. - Streamlining the Inclusion of Computer Experiments In a Research Paper
Doug Mulholland, Technical Manager | University of Waterloo, Computer Systems Group