DAIR Newsletter: May 2021

Welcome to the May 2021 edition of the DAIR Community Newsletter. We have exciting news to share with you!

DAIR Slack Workspace

We are proud to announce our DAIR Slack Workspace!

We’ve been working on a new DAIR Slack Workspace and are excited to grow it into one of the premiere platforms for entrepreneurs in Canada, where you can easily connect with hundreds of other Canadian entrepreneurs.

This new Workspace will go beyond what our single DAIR channel currently does by becoming a forum to:

Connect with other members of the DAIR Cloud community to exchange ideas

Access technical support from our DAIR Cloud architect and community members and to share your own expertise

Learn about events, resources, opportunities, and programs in your area

We’re hoping that you will find this Workspace useful to you and the development of your business.

All those currently on the DAIR Cloud will be migrated over to the new Slack Workspace, so be sure to watch your emails for your invitation to join.

Morpheus v5 Upgrade

We are working hard on a huge DAIR Cloud upgrade!

Morpheus Version 5 will enable us to offer enhanced public cloud services and provide you better visibility into your monthly cloud budget, all continuing with no charges for you. With the new features in version 5, we can start rolling out access to services like serverless compute (e.g. AWS Lambda), NoSQL databases (e.g. DynamoDB), load balancers (e.g. ELB), and more! We know many of you have been looking to develop and experiment with these services, and we’re happy we’ll be able to offer them soon.

We’ll have more details for you as we get closer to the upgrade date this summer. The announcement will be featured both on a future newsletter and on Slack.

GPU Expansion

GPUs are in high demand and we are nearly at full capacity. Don’t worry though, we are working on adding GPU capacity and our GPU expansion project is already underway. We’ll have more updates for you in the near future.

In Case You Missed It

We’ve had a busy winter and have lots of great, new content for you: